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The film premiered online via Youtube from 19th October - 23rd October. 


We've received really great feedback so far having been selected at over 56 film festivals and winning 19 awards: 

Independent Shorts Awards LA - Honourable Mention Best Actor and Best Director
Best Shorts LA - Award of Excellence Short Film and Direction
Reale Film Festival Lombardia - Best Film
Screen Power Film Festival London - Best Short Narrative
OnComm Awards - The Best work during lockdown

Calcutta International Cult Film Festival - Outstanding Achievement Short Film

Tagore International Film Festival - Outstanding Achievement Short Film

Salthouse International Film Festival, Sydney - Best Actor Tyrone Huggins

Cult Critic Movie Awards - Outstanding Achievement Short Film

Eurasia International Monthly Film Festival - Best Actor Tyrone Huggins

Two Roads International Film Festival - Best Sound Design Rob Kennedy

Film in Focus International Film Festival, Romania - Best Actor Tyrone Huggins

Top Indie Film Festival, Tokyo - Best Actor Tyrone Huggins, Best Short, Best Editing

Vertigo Film Fest, Milan - Best Screenplay

Transparent Film Festival, New York - Best Foreign Film


Last Day...eschews sentimentality even as it addresses the loss of manufacturing, the dignity of work and how destabilising it is when we lose a job.” Lyn Gardner, StageDoor

⭐⭐⭐⭐ "With situations like his being replicated all over the world, Last Day will resonate with many of those directly or indirectly affected by business closures.” Chris Omaweng, LondonTheatre1


“Alongside Sound Designer Rob Kennedy and Art Director Jessica Worrall, Brierley adopts the discomposing techniques of horror" Maryam Philpott, TheReviewsHub


"The stillness in the early scenes are reminiscent of British director Steve McQueen’s ‘less is more’ vibe in Hunger.” Michael Davis, Breaking The Fourth Wall/MyTheatreMates

"The central performance by Huggins with a cast drawn from the University of Roehampton’s Drama, Theatre and Performance department and the images it creates using a variety of theatrical techniques make it very watchable." Howard Loxton, British Theatre Guide

⭐⭐⭐⭐ “The film knows when to pull away on surrealism and let reality speak for itself too, aided by Huggins’ weighty performance, Rob Kennedy’s punchy editing, and Jonathan Bloom’s crisp cinematography." Ethan Doyle, The Spy In The Stalls


We hope you really enjoyed the film, let us know your thoughts by using #LASTDAY on social media.


About the film

138: Last Day, follows HR manager Sidney, who after thirty years of working at an industrial sock factory faces a challenging dilemma that could affect the livelihood of his employees. We find him wandering around the now empty workplace haunted by the memories of his past colleagues, friends, and bosses. Throughout his journey he is confronted head on by the horrific consequences of his actions. Will he make the right choice at the end of his last day?

Starring Tyrone Huggins, George Khan and thirty young performers from the University of Roehampton’s Drama, Theatre and Performance department 138: Last Day is a short dreamlike drama about power, loss and loyalty.

The film is written by Gareth Brierley and Fiona Creese and directed by Gareth Brierley. Sound Design and Editing are by Rob Kennedy, the Art Director is Jessica Worrall and Jonathan Bloom is the Director of Photography.


If you're a member of the press and want to know more about the film head over to our press pack

138: Last Day 







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