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Emil Wolk and Mark Long are two of the longest standing members of the company having worked together in the People Show now for a period of fifty years. Don Macintosh and Maya Willcocks offer fresh input towards the show.



"A National Treasure" The Independent


"People Show is essential. They own this lane of the theatre" Naomi Obeng, Exeunt

"Theatre without People Show would be like music without
Rock n’ Roll” 
Sam Shepherd

“ 50 years of eccentricity, humour and camaraderie” A Younger Theatre


"A thing of absolute beauty" Amanda Hadingue

"The company's longevity is matched by its creativity and willingness to try anything" Lyn Gardner

Coming to Australia in March 2024. 

8th/9th March at The Hollingworth Theatre, Port Macquarie (Tickets OTD)

14th-17th March at Newcastle Fringe Festival BUY TICKETS HERE

Photos from the 2020 show PS137: God Knows How Many. Taken by Sheila Burnett.

People Show 146: Back In Ten







People Show Ltd is registered in England and Wales: 2211267

People Show Ltd is a registered charity: 298502


People Show

Pophub Leicester Square

4 1  W h i t c o m b  S t

L o n d o n

W C 2 H  7 D T

07916 027682

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